ITEQ is specialized in the rationalization of the application of pesticides |
Innovation Technology Environment Quality (ITEQ) is an enterprise in engineering which has focussed his activity in the field of Agronomy and Environment. ITEQ is specialised in the different fields linked with the application of Pesticides... - sprayers inspection
- international rules and standards
- training and professional advices about secure and environment friendly use of pesticides
Products for sprayers inspection are developed and built by ITEQ. They answer to the requirements of the European standard EN 13 790. The proposed products are ...
- measurement systems to realise a complete inspection of all sprayer’s types (boom, orchards and vineyards sprayers)
- the software for the registration of the inspection’s data, the reporting, the management of sprayer’s database and the calibration
- training and advice about rules, quality systems, implementation of sprayer inspection at the regional or national level, ...
ITEQ is based in Wallonia/Belgium and his activity his turned to the exportation. Sinds 2002 and according to the explored country, ITEQ works with local partners for the commercialisation and the after-sales service. If no local partner has been found, ITEQ treats also directly with the client. 